Friday, April 22, 2016

Kick starter/pledge me part 2.

So all the myriad of ideas seem to be taking shape and resolving themselves into what might be veiwpoint categories and I should get pen and paper out and do one of those diagrammatic thing where the ideas are all given space and then lines are drawn between here and there to realise sub-categories/ motivations inter-feeding... and all that other spin creating reasonableness to approach what might even be relevant.

Except my brain doesn't work like that. Mine works by somehow downloading loads of ideas from what may be a collective consciousness and then kinda looking at this bit and that bit then getting bored because all the interconnections don't arrive like food ordered at a restaurant so I chuck the whole lot on the floor, just like a spoiled kid, though metaphorically it's almost like throwing down the back of my brain into it's nether toilet regions and then forgetting about it. then for some reason, maybe it's the swamp gas of thinking unheeded and sub-conscious, but anyway over time it pretty much sorts itself out and I start to see clearly pictures of what might be asked of me... and what I might be asking myself to take on as an interesting way of being whatever it is I am in this world.

So yes, I get the art car thing. It's like a front for the whole underlying exercise. The art car thing is about functionality and form co-existing where they shouldn't which is always a good idea creator. There are concepts out there these days which are really quite wild and lateral when it comes to how we view concepts of transportation but they're having a hard time getting through simply because the whole single user/family user is still completely plugged into a prestige and social worth ego thing underpinned by a sense of being able to somehow do the muscle man thing on the beach by parading about in a great hunk of metal and plastic to the extent that simple transport and not getting wet and cold is almost nothing to do with it... and that's completely irrational and these attempts at rationality, as in smaller cars and lighter payloads just aren't getting through simply because you can't apply rational answers to irrational questions, it's as simple as that.

But what you can do, at least that's my plan, is you can take that irrationality way out to it's extremes to the extent it's feeds back to the original set of possibilities, which is good but the other thing to do, as in underneath this irrationality is add a set of pragmatic gestures, as in real technological ideas that function ( which aren't so off the beaten track as to be wish fulfillment and yes all you electric car fanatics... that's what it is those fantasies of difference that'll supposedly solve all the problems of 'crude') and underpin this irrationality on the surface and so open up our collective conscious to things as actually available to us, with what we basically already have, as options worth collectivising around.

And so the front, per se, art cars and vehicles is just an excuse to serve collectivisation. The model that seems to be forming is that collecting people together to work together needs an umbrella whereby working for profit and working for charity needs to be essentially the same thing. We need to make money to grow things at a shared level but at the same time the for profit reward system isn't bad, it's actually quite good except where 'more' than enough rewards are kept by individuals and not fed back into the pool to widen the advantages of pooling resource...

That needs more work, the collectivising angle, but part and parcel of the kickstarter angle as it were, is to introduce the idea of giving up ones personal reward... as rewarding in and of itself. So given this whole thing gets going then the people who pledge money aren't rewarded and can then walk away with that reward... they give the money and then are encouraged to come and help... from the bottom up.

It's still at the ideas stage but let's say someone gives a thousand bucks and so then because that's high amount then they get to clean all the grubby oily dirt and grime off of engines 'cause the likelyhood of them ever having had to do such is unlikely and within that they'd learn the unveiling of beauty, the untended glory that sit's in dirt waiting to find the sun. And I'm being somewhat romantic here but even having that as part of a pledge me thing, a complete opposite to you give this you get this to the extent the more you give the more you get, would be something of a shocker all in and of itself as in " I've given you this much and you want me to 'pay' for that? Indeed Sir or Madam, your privilege must be tempered and not soothed.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Okay, time to get serious... a kickstarter/pledge me with a difference.

Theres a blog thingy doing the rounds which is a kind of theoretical opinion piece centred around post-capitalism, and excuse me for being finicky, but while it seem's to be kosher in a kind of intellectualised rationality it kinda strikes me as profoundly silly simply because it used all the age old ways of looking at something to try and define something that almost has to be something completely different.

And I mean foundationally completely different, as in a new paradigm, so how can we even begin to imagine a whole new way of being through and with exchange if we use the understood set of parameters in which we look at what has to be completely shifted away from that sense of constructive ideals?

So me, I'm in this weird position where I need lot's of money and help to do a bunch of stuff which I haven't done before which would open up peoples ideas of how things might be able to work for us by drawing on a lot of stuff that's already happening but is happening at a snails pace compared to how it might.

And by me doing all this, and grabbing as many people as are interested and can help define this thing, I can't offer any pay back to anyone who might choose to help other than the fact they are helping... and weirdly enough, I don't even think people should require this what might be defined as honour, this pat on the back thing as in, at it's fundamental ideal, I did this and got this in return.

Because if this yet to be defined paradigm which is somewhat wrongly defined as 'post'-capitalism is ever to work we have to intrinsically get away from this need to be attached to things that work especially in the ways we think they should.

To illustrate this somewhat it's like a kickstarter/pledge me which says this is kinda what we'd like to do but it's only very sketchy and what will likely happen would be lot's of failed attempts but hopefully out of that we'll learn what's actually needed because we've worked through all the ideas of what we think might work, which didn't and we're sorry for that complete waste of time, but in doing that a whole bunch of insight's came which might actually be what we really wanted to achieve but just couldn't see it until we'd worked through all the stuff we thought we needed... and so promising you some sort of prize for your investment, given what we said we'd do is now a completely different ball game, not only isn't a promise we could make but it completely inhibits the ability of us to actually go exploring for what might never even happen... but we really need this time and space to just experiment.

But then again we all need to feel that if we are offering something then at the very least we want it to be good... whatever that means?

Like the homeless theres this thing where they're all angry and drug abusers so why should we give them any money but at the same time you could intuitively sense that they've lost faith in the rest of us and all they really need is our encouragement and to be bluntly honest capitalist encouragement is money... so we just give them money and yes, they will make mistakes but that's kind of the territory they understand but still maybe that's what will work simply because money is our faith made concrete and giving it away with the least amount of attached material optimism is the only thing that will eventually work.

Nut's and bolt's. Everybody might know that I'm kinda bored by art, not the making thereof, but the rivers and tributaries by which it finds it's way to the seas of our consciousness, all those galleries and institutions of education and it's consequences seeming more than ever to dam it all up and create power from it's flow... to the point where it's just so precious it's completely lost any vitality to feedback into society and encourage us all with the possibilities that could be available.

And within this and my own need every single day to be creative I'm completely over trying to sell myself to a bunch of people with far more money than sense or any institution which might think what I'm trying to do has any relevance to them and what they think is actually art 'cause what I really want to do is offer relevance within and through neighbours and friends and even acquaintances. Join up skills and possibilities and see a way to get beyond this clusterfuck whereby worth and value are sold out long before usefulness is even contemplated.... but I'm not angry about it all.

My World Leader Pretend ideas then all resolve around making art cars as in totally functional vehicles which fit in and around what we have now but are so arted up decoratively that bridges are built between function and form to the extent that we could possibly embrace and be completely enamoured of such as a way to go.

Because in the real world, as in the one that exists all around us, we might think that art is expensive but compared to new cars and motorcycles it's actually really fucking cheap... That then to me is this really wide gap which could be filled and it's a gap because the way we look at vehicles is completely stupid and self serving only for the manufacturers and the sellers to the extent that we think we need at least a tonne, in most cases, to haul our sorry asses from A to B.

I'm going to stop now... I'm just working it out kinda like the kickstarter might be as in what the buggering hell is this person on about? And you go away all confused and not knowing at all what's going on... then eventually forget about it but then alter something klicks... like good art.